Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How do you cure bad acne?

I have an 11 year old daughter that has some bad acne. We%26#039;ve tried EVERYTHING. This includes most clearasil products, clean and clear products, and proactive. Nothing is working. She gets it on her forehead, sometimes around her nose, but she has been keeping all her hair off her face and doesn%26#039;t have bangs. She very self conscious about it and is crying all the time because kids are teasing her. I feel so bad!!! Please help.

|||talk to your doctor about dioxycyclene. it is an antibiotic that really does help. also, there are perscription strength topical creams that he may also perscribe. they are really helpful.

your diet can have an effect on the quality of your skin. be sure you are eating lots of leafy greens, and your veggies. most importantly, you need to be getting 8 glasses of water, per day. this really, really helps. helps keep your blood clean. if your pee is dark, you are not getting enough water, and really need to increase your intake (and reduce caffiene intake. this dehydrates you and makes your skin worse!) one of the biggest skin issues can be sovled by eating less junk food, and more veggies. they help keep your skin clear. give it a shot for, oh, a month, and see if it makes a difference. it will. keep up on it, and you will notice a difference. get at least 64 ounces of water per day, and this will be most beneficial.

you may also want to wash 3 times a day with clearisil. once before school, once after school, and once before bed. massage it all over your face for 30 seconds. in your trouble spots, focus for 30 seconds per spot. it helps. i swear it does. you may want to use baking soda as your exfoliant 2-3 times per week. (no more! it makes it worse, although im not sure why) mix enough with water to make a thick paste, and massage all over your face, particularly trouble spots, for 30 seconds per area. (the 30 seconds really helps me to know that i%26#039;m getting it clean, and not just rinsing quickly.)

lastly, check out these links:


http://useinfo-acne.blogspot.com/|||I had really bad acne too and I tried many kind of acne creams but nothing worked. You can%26#039;t just cure acne in one night but it takes time to get rid of it.

best cure for me was:

* but this product called Acne wash from kaiser permanente and use it 2 times a day

* try not to think that you have acne( just forget about it) because stress cause acne

* wash you face 3 times a day with hot-warm water

* drink a lot of water

* eat healthy

* don%26#039;t apply any oily creams on your face

* before you sleep apply honey on your face and massage for 2-3 mins and wash it

* get good sleep

* avoid eating sweet product|||

Propionibacterium acnes

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Propionibacterium acnes

Scientific classification

Kingdom: Bacteria

Phylum: Actinobacteria

Order: Actinomycetales

Family: Propionibacteriaceae

Genus: Propionibacterium

Species: P. acnes

Binomial name

Propionibacterium acnes

(Gilchrist 1900)

Douglas %26amp; Gunter 1946

Propionibacterium acnes is a relatively slow growing, typically aerotolerant anaerobic gram positive bacterium that is linked to the skin condition acne; it can also cause chronic blepharitis and endophthalmitis, the latter particularly following intraocular surgery. The genome of the bacterium has been sequenced and a study has shown several genes that can generate enzymes for degrading skin and proteins that may be immunogenic (activate the immune system).

This bacteria is largely commensal and thus present on most people%26#039;s skin; and lives on fatty acids in the sebaceous glands on sebum secreted by pores. It may also be found throughout the gastrointestinal tract in humans and many other animals. It is named after its ability to generate propionic acid.

1 Role in disease

2 Antibiotic sensitivity

3 Phage sensitivity

4 Photosensitivity

5 References

[edit] Role in disease

When a pore is blocked this anaerobic bacteria overgrows and secretes chemicals that break down the wall of the pore, spilling bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus into the skin, and forming an acne lesion (folliculitis). It has also been found in corneal ulcers, and on very few occasions damaging heart valves leading to endocarditis, and infections of joints (septic arthritis) have been reported. Furthermore, Propionibacterium have been found in ventriculostomy insertion sites, and areas subcutaneous to suture sites in patients that have undergone craniotomy.

[edit] Antibiotic sensitivity

P. acnes can be killed by benzoyl peroxide, tetracycline group and other antibiotics, and many antibacterial preparations. However, tetracycline-resistant P. acnes is now quite common. Clindamycin is also frequently used. New facts show that P.acnes are sensitive to some macrolides such as Azithromycin, which has a wide spectrum of action. It is normally prescribed 500 mg by mouth, three times weekly for 4 to 6 weeks. Azithromycin exhibits post-antibiotic effect by concentrating in the lung tissue for approximately 5 days. Indeed some antibacterial cream or ointment should be used during the therapy, giving a good local effect. Another antibiotic is Nadifloxacin from the group of so called 4-fluoroquinolones, such as Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin and Levofloxacin.[citation needed] It has action against P. acnes and some other microorganisms that also take part of the poly-infection.[citation needed]

[edit] Phage sensitivity

P. acnes has known phages that can attack it, and these can be used to type it. In addition proposals exist to employ lytic phages for therapeutic purposes for acne vulgaris.

[edit] Photosensitivity

P. acnes glows when exposed to Wood%26#039;s light鈥?believed to be due to the presence of endogenous porphyrins. The bacteria is killed by ultraviolet light. P. acnes is also especially sensitive to light in the 405鈥?20 nm (near the ultraviolet) range due to an endogenic porphyrin鈥揷oporphyrin III. A total irradiance of 320 J/cm虏 is found to inactivate this bacteria in vitro. This fact is used in phototherapy. Its photosensitivity can be enhanced by pretreatment with aminolevulinic acid which boosts production of this chemical, although this causes significant side-effects in humans.

|||Try Skin Perfection, it%26#039;s the only thing that has helped me, and I%26#039;ve tried just about everything out there (i tried proactive too and it did nothing for me other than dry my skin.) I%26#039;ve been dealing with acne since I was 14 and I am 26 now.

This one uses a 3 step treatment that looks something like this:

Lactic acid to clean the skin and exfoliate the pores

salicylic acid to reduce redness and inflammation

glycolic acid to moisturize and prevent over drying

It basically took 3 weeks to completely clear my skin, but I haven%26#039;t had an outbreak in months. Also, they were giving away a free 30 trial, so you might get to try it for free and see if it helps. Not sure if this link still works, but I saved it when I ordered.


Good luck. |||Take her to a dermatologist, if the acne is bad enough, they might have a solution to her problem.

Other then that, yeah, make sure her hair doesn%26#039;t cover her face, and also make sure she washes her face before she sleeps, and when she wakes up. She should also never touch her face with her hands, and wash her hands everytime she gets home just in case she does touch her face.|||I%26#039;m sorry your daughter is having to deal with this at such a young age.

Just about the only thing that has worked for me consistently (and I%26#039;ve had acne for about 12 years up until about 6 months ago) is Skin Perfection M.D.

Everyone is different, so there is a chance it won%26#039;t work for her any better than the other stuff you%26#039;ve tried, but I can tell you right now that I was astonished with the results on me.

Hope this helps. I wish you and your daughter the best of luck with whatever route you take.|||How do you cure it? you can%26#039;t. However prescription meds from a dermatologist or products reccommended by an esthetician at a skin care center or spa may be of benefit. Help your daughter cover up her acne with foundation and concealer so she will feel less self conscious.|||umm go to the dermatologist. or if you want something from the store.

try the nuetragina stress controll face wash+ medicine or use the neutragina skin id thing.

go online for that.

|||try taking her to a dermatologist, that usually helps

maybe you would consider letting her wear a little cover up so its not so noticeable

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