Saturday, December 26, 2009

How can I cure acne fast and naturally?

A very good way to cure acne fast and naturally is to drink only water for 3 days. I tried this after someone else told me about it. The results were amazing. Also, as i added food back to my diet I was careful to notice how my face responded so now that my acne is gone i know what foods were contributing to it. If you do this. Drink lots of water and expect to feel horrible the first day and half. 3rd day you feel a lot better. then you can eat on the fourth day. Im not sure if it works for everybody. But now i swear by it. |||My sister has had luck using a baking soda mask a few times a week. Mix in a little water into baking soda, and rub on face leave as mask for 20-30 minutes. Then remove it.

I also used a mixture of lemon juice + cucumber juice to help fade acne scars (the dark red spots they leave). Just mix the two and apply to face 3 times a day, for about 10 minutes, then wash off.

Tea tree oil is supposed to work, jojoba oil, fish oil, flax oil. etc. etc. Try them, see what works.

I%26#039;ve honestly seen the best results just washing my face with water 2x a day. And eating a healthy diet with that.|||when i was younger i would take a lemon and cut it in half and rub the juice on the acne let it set for 5 minutes then wash my face. it helped more than anything.

How to Cure Acne Overnight - The Overnight Acne Treatment|||ya man, the best way to beat it, is honestly better diet. I cut out fast food and pop and stuff and it cleared up in about 2 weeks, sorry if that isn%26#039;t fast enough solution.......

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