Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What is the best way to cure acne?

i%26#039;m 15 and have acne, it%26#039;s not severe by any means,

i just want it gone, and gone quick.

i%26#039;ve tried Proactive, oxy, pretty much everything possible to try from walmart.

any suggestions?|||The best approach is from the inside out; not only will you need skin treatment, but you may want to look into herbs and antibiotics as well as choosing to live a healthier lifestyle. I know that being a teenager it seems that you can do whatever the f*ck you want to your body, and get away with it, and in some ways yeah that%26#039;s true, but in the end, now is the time to establish good health habits in addition to following an acne treatment. The health of your skin is much like the health of your teeth; little good does superficial treatment do if your insides are not healthy. There are people out there who brush 3 times a day, always floss, and yet they may have a whopping 10 cavities and dental works. The reason that is, is because their bodies are not healthy, and as the body is torn apart by viruses and germs the teeth suffer as well. In ancient times when gauging the health of slave girls, as many people would use them as both servants and for breeding in case they were unhappy with their wives, one of the ways was to look at their teeth. A girl with perfect teeth made for good breeding, whereas a girl with bad teeth made for bad breeding. Beneath the enamel there is living tissue you know, whatever affects the body, invariably affects the teeth.

Now then, regarding acne; the same logic applies, and only your family doctor, in conjunction with work from a qualified dermatologist can give you a regiment of proper care and again, you have to treat it both inside out, and outside in. If you have acne, it means that something is not right with your internal organs. You may be consuming too many toxins for the liver to handle, you may not be drinking or consuming enough antioxidants, it could be any range of things, even something as simple as not getting enough fiber.

The only way to cure acne is to get healthy, and the only way to get healthy is by eating a proper diet, consulting your doctor on a proper internal care regiment, your dermatologist for proper external care, and finally listening to any and all fitness advice given to you by your local personal trainer at a given gym whose expertise lies in bodybuilding. The combination of medical advice, with taking up bodybuilding, may not only clear your acne, but it may make you healthier period.

good luck.|||Acne forms when sebum (skin oil) and bacteria become trapped in follicles in the skin. Blemishes appear when these oils prevent the skin from naturally shedding which may be in the form of whiteheads, blackheads, pimples or cysts. Severe cases of acne will often leave indentations or scars on the skin.

http://www.flawlessimageandhealth.com/la鈥?/a>|||do NOT listen to the person who said to dry it up, because when your face is dry and makes oils, and that makes you break out more. have you tried clinique%26#039;s 3 step? or clean and clear%26#039;s 3 steps? those worked pretty well for me for a while. also, for small breakouts you can use toothpaste. works like magic(=|||You can regain your internal balance and cure your acne completely and permanently by natural techniques.For, More Information,


Good Luck|||

Apply fresh mint juice every night to treat acne and pimples as this is a good home remedy for acne. More such solutions at http://solutionsforpimples.blogspot.com/

|||dry the hell out of your face than it will all scab when you pick off the scabs youll have a little red for a few days but than it will go away|||i know it sound retarded but:


they%26#039;re so amazing.



so you probably already do this but, wash your face with a really steamy face towel , scrub it, and use a spot treatment.

good luck :)|||put honey on it. it will get rid of all your problems 4eva!! (as long as you continue to put honey on the area a week after they dissapear)

spot treatment: calamine lotion, works all the time!!

drink GALLONS OF WATER!!!!!!

mask/scrub: put a few drops of water on 4 non-coated aspirin and wait till they soak up the water. then smash them up and add a squirt of honey. finally: mix together to form a paste, and apply directly to affected area/ whole face.

this will make skin FLAWLESS!!!!!!

goood luckerz!!!=]|||use a facial scrub everyday. 3 times a day.

i had neutrogena facial scrub and a clearasil facial scrub. right now im using clearasil they both work. they keep your face clean, fresh and healthy looking and not oily. wash your face really good for at least a minute

if your face is dirty that can cause pimples too.

proactiv works not 100% though. i only used refining mask a couple months ago and it dries out of my skin and the pimples. but the dry skin was a problem so i stopped using it. try taking mecidine for acne.

right now, im just using the scrub and a cream called equate hydrocortisone 1% cream. it%26#039;s just a cream to heal bumps not specifically acne but it works for me and i was really surprised so now i use it everyday. =] and drink a lot of water. ;] good luckk. |||Acne in general is getting worse for people each year. More and more teens are suffering from acne, and it has a lot to do with the changing world that we live in. Increased demands, increased pollution and toxins in our environments, and poor diet certainly aren%26#039;t helping.

There are lots of things you can do to greatly reduce your acne. The best ways are all natural too! My favorite method is using the anti-acne apple diet! You can read all about it here: http://www.how2cureacne.com/natural%20cures/applediet.html

The reason many people have such a hard time with curing their acne is because they don%26#039;t know the real causes behind acne in the first place. Acne is not just caused by dirt and oil on the skin, actually, that doesn%26#039;t matter at all. The real causes are diet, candida yeast problems, and generally a body that is overloaded with toxins. When the body has too many toxins, it tries to push out all the junk through the skin and then it gets trapped and bacteria flourishes. This is what gives you a pimple, not dirt. Many people overwash their faces like crazy and then they get dry skin which makes their acne even worse!

If you are interested in the truth, check out this website. It has greatly helped me out. http://www.how2cureacne.com/

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