Saturday, December 26, 2009

Antibiotic or birth control pill to cure acne?

what u guys think? i%26#039;m currently taking birth control pill to treat my acne and i feel that those pills making my skin worse. Is antibiotic a better method to control acne such as tetracyclin? Moreover, antibiotic pills is far more affordable if compared to birth control pills.|||surely birth control pills are free on the NHS???

i guess this may vary in different countries...

well i cant say i know much about achne but since ive been on the pill ive noticed my spots get worse so it can go both ways... either clearing your skin or making it worse, maybe you should try some different treatment... ive looked up a couple of good websites, they are cheap compared to most products, hope they help!|||I took the birth control pills, and it did make my acne worse. So, my dermatologist gave me a prescription for Adoxa 150mg. Works a lot better. However, since it%26#039;s an antibiotic, it shouldn%26#039;t be taken for a long period of time. I%26#039;m only on it for three months. One month into it, and I%26#039;m seeing fantastic results.|||I have been on about 4 different types of BC pills over the last year. My obgyn just started me on Sprintec. She said the hormone levels don%26#039;t fluctuate during the cycle with these so hopefully that will help. I had the same problem with acne. You may have to try a different pill to see if that works for you.|||I have the same situation as you, some birth controls actually CAUSE acne, so its best to get the right one, aka- one that was designed to cure acne, like Yasmin. In addition, you can take antiobiotics for your face, like Doxycycline. If you are using the birth control for birth control, taking an antiobiotic reduces the effectiveness by less than 1% of the birth control though. so keep that in mind.|||Not sure, There are many different types of acne treatment that people can use. Just about everyone you know has some kind of magical remedy. Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne .

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