Thursday, December 17, 2009

What worked to cure your acne? Preferably home remedies?

I have heard that toothpaste and tomatoes can help with acne. What products or home remedies have you used that cleared up your acne? I know that everyone%26#039;s skin is different, so what worked for you might not work for me, but it never hurts to try.|||aspirin thing usually eats off skin faster than it dies, helps,. acne is a bacteria, bacteria like warm moist things. try using a new towel and face cloth every shower. maybe change your bed Linen and shower before bed instead of in the morning. keep up on pillow case changes a lot of people sweat and or drool in there sleep making a pillow a good host for the bacteria. if you share your towels with a family keep a few out so each will get a chance to fully dry before someone else uses it again. acne is not a thing indicating dirt, acne will not survive in dirt, it likes only nice clean humans. if you are always washing you could be killing off the natural germs that normally kill the acne or washing off important chemicals your body might be making to fight them. some people are just very tasty to them unfortunately and sometimes a doctor will prescribe tetracycline to help kill them off.

if aspirin (which is acidic) did not control them then maybe something alkali will (alkali is opposite of acid like baking soda), be careful too much alkali can be just like too much acid to your skin and burn you, (drano is alkali and it will eat you).|||I%26#039;ve used expensive stuff before ranging from Neutrogena to Clearasil, but the best stuff is the Clearasil Facial Scrub. It is called %26quot;Acne Clearing Scrub%26quot; on the front. The other stuff without the scrub doesn%26#039;t work. I even bought a Neutrogena brand with the scrub but I still got pimples. This is the best stuff ever! I can only find it in Walmarts so far. Goodluck!|||Take your make-up off as soon as you get home.

Clean your face off with rubbing alcohol. Do NOT use lotion or soap on your face. It%26#039;s said that if you put toothpaste on your acne before you go to sleep, but I don%26#039;t know if it%26#039;s true or not.

Hope I helped a little :]|||First off the best thing you can do is to keep your hands off of your face.I%26#039;ve also heard that you can use,Philips milk of magnesia.Just dab it on like you would do with the toothpaste.Hope this helps you out.|||asprin

here%26#039;s a link to some videos talkin about it.|||I tried everything. My body eventually fixed itself.|||Don%26#039;t use toothpaste! It burns your skin! I get some lemon juice, it%26#039;s fantastic.

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