Thursday, December 17, 2009

How to cure acne internally?

I%26#039;ve had acne for 9 years and have tried using everything.

Can anyone suggest any thing I can do to cure it?|||Forget all of the other stuff. Seriously Proactiv solution 2 x daily, Vitamin A and a fish oil vitamin daily. You dont need to thank me|||A lot of the time acne is an indicator of digestion problems. If for example, you have been on antibiotics in the past, along with the bad bacteria, the good bacteria gets killed off. In order for your intestines to work properly, they must have the proper amount of %26quot;good%26quot; bacteria within them. When the intestines are not working properly because of the wrong ratio of good to bad bacteria, your body uses the skin as another way to rid itself of toxins;thus causing acne. My suggestion to you would be to add a pro biotic to your diet. This will give you the proper bacteria for healthy digestion. You should also be drinking half of your body weight in water. For example, if you weigh 100lbs, you should be drinking 50ozs of water. This will help to flush out your system. Eliminate or limit your dairy intake and watch the sugar! I bet you%26#039;ll see an improvement! Good luck!!!!|||You got the right idea. So many people think that the over the counter remedies are great. And they are.....temporarily. However, what people don%26#039;t realize is that inside the body, there%26#039;s bacteria that causes the pores to block, causing blackheads and acne. Sure, dirt and grime on the outside is a factor. But if you want to get to the %26quot;root%26quot; of the problem, it%26#039;s attacking the bacteria inside the body.

I had a pizza face when I was in my teens. I had it all over my body. It was sickning. When I was younger, I went to a dermatologist and was prescribed Tetracycline Tropical. It was a tropical liquid I put on my face (exterior). Sure, it cleared it up, but Tetracycline was terrible on drying up your face. Going in the sun, my face would burn much quicker.

As I got older, all the way into my 30%26#039;s, I still had acne. I was so disappointed.

So, I went back to the dermatologist which I then was prescribed Doxycycline. I took this religiously. Everyday, twice a day. Then, as my prescription started running out, I started taking them once a day. I started to see my acne disappear. Sure, sometimes, I might get one or two, but not like before. Anyways, the thing I need to add to this is that I was my face with Cetaphil every day in the shower. Recently, I%26#039;ve run out of my prescription and I still haven%26#039;t gotten acne. So, I can now say that I%26#039;ve killed the bacteria in my body.|||Moringa Zinga located at cured my acne in 3 days. I also use it to stay up at night to study and to remain alert for exams the next day. It seems to go to the place you are nutritionally deficient and satisfy the deficiency. It%26#039;s all natural and is so safe that they feed it to infants in Africa to overcome malnourishment. My brother uses it to get rid of a bad hangover and my sister uses it to keep from binge eating. Not too many people know about it but it%26#039;s great stuff.|||Take a teaspoon full of undiluted lemon juice and drink it.

Repeat every day.

You will begin to notice the difference with in a week or two.

After your face is cleared up, take the lemon about once a week to keep it that way.

I don%26#039;t know WHY it works, it%26#039;s enough to know that it works.|||Drink lots of water. Take your vitamins. Eat foods that are not processed. AKA fruits and veggies. Try drinking Coconut water, it is supposed to be good for the skin. Don%26#039;t forget to wash your face twice a day and wash your pillowcases at least once a week.|||go to a skin specialist. they will try with anti-biotica to figh any infection which might be causing it, if this doesnt work they will try you a pecific capsules or tablets. they will probably get you to use a cream along with this.

good luck|||There is a drug called Roaccutane which is available in the UK under the attendance of a is supposed to be a wonder drug. Might be worth a try?|||my brother has acne and he uses something called oxi its for guys and it works for him. proactive is a waste.|||i used to suffer with it but i got pills from my doctor called acnamino MR|||Talk to Dr about Retin-A.

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