Thursday, December 17, 2009

Do skin products cure acne or just keep them away?

i want something that will make my zits go away but i don%26#039;t want to have to keep buying it forever and have to depend on a product for a long time.

suggestions?|||just keep your face clean, and neat. Keep sweat, dirt, and oil off it and wash your face atleast 3 times, and you won%26#039;t even need the acne products, no you don%26#039;t need to keep buying the products, what you will need is some responsibility!|||That%26#039;s hard because you pretty much have no choice. I am 22 and still have awful acne. The thing that I find works the best is drinking a cup of tea that will cleanse the system and your pores. The best one is peppermint and dandelion root. If you want you can pull one up, clean it, slice it up like a carrot and use 2 slices per cup of hot water. dry the rest by lying them flat on a piece of paper for like 3 days. This will clean your system and release toxins from your pores. Drink like a gallon of water a day to prevent over production of oil and keep blood flowing to your face to remove impurities. Keep your hands clean and try not to touch your face. Also, the best face wash comes from It is called aqua marina cleanser.|||Almost all products just make it go away, the only one i heard of that permanently gets rid of them is accutane.|||Most skin products just keep them away... You should probably try organic and natural things if you want them to go away. Home remedies work best to permanently get rid of them.||||||Skin products generally do both, and it%26#039;s not that big of a deal being %26quot;dependent%26quot; on washing your face. That%26#039;s like being dependent on brushing your teeth or taking a shower... %26gt;_%26lt;%26#039;|||They can do both.

Even the best stuff that your doctor can prescribe for you takes AT LEAST 6 weeks to work because the acne spots you already have take a long time to resolve.|||NOTHING cures Acne, despite the many claims from companies. When looking for an acne cleanser suited for you, you need to be willing to take the time and use it as the instructions direct. Not only do you need a good cleanser, but you need to change your lifestyle as well. This means watching what kinds of greasy hair products you may use, the type of makeup you wear, what kind of foods and drinks you are putting in your body, and it could never hurt to start taking a multivitamin. Having clear skin is all about dedication and patience.|||Try using the Clean %26amp; Clear Deep Cleansing Astringent for Sensitive Skin. It%26#039;s an on-contact acne fighter. No, it will not cure your acne, but it is very cheap, and will last you a LONG time. I%26#039;ve had mine over a a year and am just now getting low on it. It%26#039;s worth the $3.|||Acne is natural, so it really cannot be cured.

It can be controlled though. Try this:

It works extremely well. I suggest you try it.|||Go and see a skin doctor (dermatologist). So you can get the right stuff for it.|||water its FREE :O haha

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